Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kayla W's. 12/19 Exhibition Reflection

If I could describe this experience of participating in this exhibition in two words, they would be inspiring and exciting. When I first heard that we were going to do a study of cancer I thought it was a great idea because my grandpa (at the time) was suffering from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I wanted to learn more about what he was going through and about the different cancer types. This experience was really interesting. I learned alot about Lymphoma and Yellow fever. I enjoyed gathering information to put together into a big project for the finale. Overall, my favorite part of doing this exhibition was during the presentation. I thought it was really interesting guiding the kids and viewing their reactions to our work. I also enjoyed presenting the Yellow Fever 1793 piece with Isaac becuase I enjoyed reading the book and it was fun explaining it.
I studied Lymphoma as my cancer type. I learned that there are two different types of Lymphoma: Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins. Hodgkins Lymphoma is a cancer of the Lymphatic system that most commonly affects people in their late 50's, early 20's.
There are 4 main types of Hodgkins disease: Nodular Sclerosing, Lymphocyte Predominant, Mixed Cellularity, Lymphocyte Depleted and a Lymphnode biopsy. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma includes all the types of Hodgkins Lymphoma. The symptoms of Lymphoma are enlarged or swollen Lymphnodes, also known as Lymphadenopathy. The cause of Lymphoma remains unknown. There are different stages of Lymphoma too. The stages of Lymphoma are I, II, III or IV. Staging is very important imformation for every patient with Lymphoma. It provides a common language for doctors and patients to describe how much Lymphoma and it is vital for deciding on the correct treatment.
There were many things that I learned that I didnt know before I did this expedition. I learned that Hodgkins lymphoma is named after an English patholigist who origionally described the disease in the 1800's. In my studies I also discovered that there are two different types of growths in cancer. Benign and Malignant are the two forms of growth. Benign is a growth that is not cancerous. Malignant is a form of cancer that is cancerous. I actually didnt know there was a type of cancer that can turn out to be non-cancerous.
The challenges that I encountered during this enhibition was that when we were presenting the information to the kids I was confused on where I needed to be. I think it was a little unorganized because I ended up doing some jobs that I wasnt assigned to do. Another challenge that I faced was when I had to handle the task of having to guide groups around the exhibition and do a presentation on Yellow fever at the same time. I was needed in two different places at the same time so it was very difficult to handle both tasks.
If I was able to to continue an expedition I would probably pursue the project of Contaminated water and Air pollution. I would like to study the effects on communities and their effects on living things.
If we have an exhebition next year I think that I would change the way it was organized. I would let everyone know their specific positions in planning for the event. I would also have at least two or three managers which will help them to organize and therefore avoid less stress and I would plan the event a little earlier so that people could improve their work more.
Overall, I think this event was a great success and I think everyone at BCS should now know What happends when Cells go wild.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Reflection 12/18/ By Cyndi Yahya

The school's expedition on cancer, I think, is a very important topic. Many people are affected by it, and for us to collaborate with one another to create a museum to teach younger students about cancer is accommodating. This expedition was really informational, and it taught me a lot of new different things on cancer development, and how cancer have affected people throughout history.
In science class, we have individual topic relating to cancer that we have to research on. My topic of cancer is leukemia. I learned that leukemia is the cancer of the bone marrow. The three types of blood cells (platelets, red blood cell, and white blood cell) are present in the bone marrow. When someone is diagnosed with leukemia, the immature white blood cells crowds the red blood cells and the platelets. This disables the blood cells to work properly. The red blood cells are not able to transport oxygen throughout the body, the white blood cells can not fight infections, and without platelets excessive bleeding in the body is possible.
In ELA class we are learning about the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima on August of 1945. The atomic bomb attack was one one of the most disastrous event in our history. There were thousands of deaths and damages, and the aftermath of the attack was unimaginable. Although the attack lasted for a few minutes, the effects it had was huge. The atomic bomb, unfortunately, released chemicals that caused radiation which lead to health issues and more death. These radiations caused many different types of cancer. The ionization of chemicals are some factors of cancer. Dr. Nagai, a victim of the atomic bomb attack, for example suffered from leukemia because of his working with chemicals.
During the expedition, I don't think that I encountered many challenges except for knowing the fact that more than half the world's population would be affected by this disease. We have not yet found a cure for cancer but there are other types of medication to stop the spread of cancer such as chemotherapy, and radiation.
If we were able to continue this expedition, I think that we should help donate money to organizations or hospitals that benefits people diagnosed with cancer. I think that this process would not only help cancer patients, but also help raise cancer awareness.
Next year's expedition, I would like to see the same thing that I've seen this year. We as high school students, work cooperatively with one another. There was a lot of collaboration going on. Many different ideas were shared and because of this procedure, I think we learned many important facts on cancer.

Reflection 12/18 by Priscilla Fret

During the school’s first expedition, things were sort of chaotic. There was so much to be done, and it was new to everyone, so it was really a trail-by-error experience. We’ve been preparing for this for over a month, and I believe it’s paid off. My class really pulled together and for the most part, did the work when they were told. When we got our subject, we researched them and did notes in a t-chart. Then we took a verbal test on our notes to see how well we knew our topic, afterwards doing a brainstorm of what we could put on our model. It was a lot of work.

I learned a lot about the history of cancer. For instance, it was once thought that viruses, bacteria, breakdown in immunity, and mutations in specific genes to be the causes of cancer. However, it’s been proven that only mutations in specific genes is correct.

I really didn’t know much about the different stages of cancer. I knew that some were “not dangerous” such as benign tumors, but that’s not true, either. Just because they’re not cancerous doesn’t mean they can’t cause harm. If left alone, benign tumors can grow in size and weight, and can put pressure on vital organs and create problems. However, the tumor can be easily removed with an operation.

During the making of the expedition, the biggest challenge I believe we as the eleventh grade faced was time, especially the biology students. We’d been studying different types of cancer and treatments for a while, but only at the last minute was everything put together. In biology, it was toward the last two weeks or so that we chose a definite subject and began to work on research and different roles in a group. Things were changed around a lot, and it was really about cramming as much research in as possible and compiling it into an informative, if not extensive, research model.

If we were able to continue the expedition, I would like to expand our audience. Most, if not all of the people who are coming to the school for the big event on the nineteenth are students and their parents. I’d like to have other people in the area who are interested to be able to come. In other words, the word could be more widespread and more people could find out about it and attend.
In the expedition next year, I would really like to see what I said above. Since this was the first time, the teachers would have in mind what went well and what could be improved, and the students would as well. They could build their expedition on our feedback from this year, and it would be really successful.


I am now going to work on a Lymphoma piece to show the effects it causes to the body and the hope of treatments available for this specific cancer. I would ,make like a little children's book on the topic to inform the young minds of our school as a library book kids can pick up downstairs. Or if that takes to long to make before Friday i would just make a display board with many visuals of this disease because it intrigued me to go even deeper in the research after I looked it up in the library in downtown Manhattan. This will take up all my after school time till the break but it's worth it for a solid 90 in science.  


This years first expedition has been enlightening and profound, and the important information gained will follow me. I enjoyed the trip we took and the people we have worked with. People like the Department Of Health and members of the Public Library Of Health. They gave us vital information, and tools to further investigate the broad inner working of our subject. This also would not have been possible without the help of teacher and staff.

Beginning with the dept. of heath we learned the statistics of the local and city wide age groups. Aids, cancer, drug use, death rate, and test rates were all taken to account in the dept. After a few hours we were done and received stats of our very own neighborhoods. My main study was on skin cancer and the treatment that could be taken to get rid of and or prevent cancer. We took note received hand out and then we were on our way to our next stop.

We arrived at the library with little time to waste, after a tour and tutorial we were off to work. My group was assigned skin cancer and the ways you can treat it. After that I knew what skin cancer was, and the was you could treat. Now all of that hard work, it will now be used in our first informative event of the year.

Robert's Reflection

Robert Jones
Refective Essay

On my experience completing the BCS first cancer expedition it was ok I mean that we are finally finished and I am proud to be one of the first students to do this project.

What I learn from the cancer expedition is that breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer in women and prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer for older males.If I was to continue with the exedition I would shut it down and continue on with my class work because this thing with cancer is not really helping me much in my life time, I know the awarenes of cancer and how to pervent from geting cancer.

On the trips it went well we went to the NYC department of health got a whole lot of panfets on cancer, how to pervent cancer, and which places in NY has more cancer victims than the others. then we went to the library of cancer and did a worksheet on a cancer asignment; What i found challening is getting there to the building.

Cancer Expedition

Over the past month we (the 11th graders) have been doing an expedition on cancer. for my first expedition on cancer in this school, it was a big step for me and something new plus different for the bcs community. I found it effective but difficult to research because cancer is such a broad topic.

In my classes we were not to fond on only researching cancer. In my crew class and in my ela class we studied cancer. We also learned about cancer’s causing effects. We watched movies such as the bbc documentary Hiroshima. My teachers (some of them) told us as well their encounters with cancer. It was sadning for me to have to here, but what was most important is hearing how they fought the cancer off.

If i were able to continue our expedition on cancer i would pursue it by having the school do a project on ciggarettes! I would do this because so many people smoke ciggarettes. Too many people die from cancer. Lung cancer which is caused mainly by ciggarettes. Even though people are on the tv screen with wholes in their neck explaining ciggarettes did it to them, people don’t think nothing of it until cancer get to them. Only then they decide to turn over a new leaf, but usually the leaf is dead which means it’s too late.

Solomon Goodwin
Enijamarie Hemmings 12/18/07 Expedition Reflective essay I am an eleventh grader at Brooklyn collabrative studies we do alot of work together

because this school is based on working collabratively, during the last months of november

and december we did an expedition on cancer. We studied cancer through our classes like

for instance in math we learned how cells multiply, in ELA we learned about cancer after the

bombing in hiroshima.We also had a seminar with teachers, a representative from american

cancer society,and a nurse from Long island colledge hospital (LICH) that talked about there

experiences with cancers.
My experience with completing the BCS cancer expedition was good because
I got to learn alot of things about cancer that I did not know, like for instance about

benign and malignant tumors.Benign tumors are tumors that arent cancerous and malignant

tumors are the opposite.I also learned in ELA that leukemia is caused by lukemia, the

bomb that was dropped on hiroshima caused alot of radiation so alot of people that

survived eventually got lukemia. If I were to do a fundraising idea I would do a bake sale but instead of

baked goods I would have non cancerous foods.The thing that was very challenging during

the cancer expedition was how the cells became cancerous and also knowing what type of t

things caused cancers.I would saynthat this expedition was a valuable experience because

I learned alot and it helped me to be aware of cancer and also more importantly I know

what to do to avoid cance.

I think my grade shold have a bullentin board up to show all of what we learned

and what we did in our cancer expedition, this would create a legacy for our efforts becase

every time some one would pass by our hall they will see what we did for our first


Nina's reflection

BCHS Nina Laracuente
ELA 12/18/07

Expedition Reflective Essay

When I first heard that we were going to be studying cancer, I
actually found it to be quite interesting. Fear didn’t really come to mind, I
had an idea on what cancer was about, but there were so many things I
still didn’t know and wanted to know. I still feel like I don’t know some
things about cancer, but now I feel I know a lot more than before.
The first thing the 11th grade did was to attend kickoff event. We
began with a meeting downstairs in the music room. Wanda told us how
about how her son had fought cancer when he was really young.He was born with a tumor on his head. After that we went back upstairs and talked to other people who had expierence with cancer. One person was the highschool teacher Kelley and the science teacher named Beth. They both told us their stories. We aslo leaned about cancer from the school
nurse Abbey and other people who work at LICH. After everyone talked
about cancer I was really scared and kind of sad. Some of the people
explaining cancer were crying and I felt so bad. I kept that thinking
“What if I ever get cancer?” I’m still afraid of cancer.
In November my crew and I conducted field work and went to two thrift shops that helps people who
have cancer and the Department Of Heath Library. When we went to
the department Of Health Library we had to research the different
cancer we were assigned. I was assigned Leukemia and chemotheremy.
I didn’t get all the information I wanted but I did get alot. One thing I
learned was that leaukemia is diagnosed ten times nore often in adults

than in children. Ihad a lot of fun at the thirft shops. I kept laughing so

much because there was so many unusual things being sold in the stores.

Since I’m in the Living Environment class, our science teacher

assigned us different topics based on our strenths on what we could do.

We were to make projects based on the topics assigned. I wasn’t too

worried about my topic, but I really had no idea what project I was going

to make. While doing the project I learned many things. I learned that

cells have a lifespan and have the abilitly to divide is through its

telomeres, stuctures that are found at the ends of chromosomes. When

normal cells go through cycles of growth and development, their telomeric

dna gets shorter. Cancer cells don’t allow this to happen, they make

the telomeres continue to divide making cancer immortal. My project

is a text project explaining how cancer becomes immortal. After doing

this project I thought that my work wasn’t enough. My friends told me it

was fun, but I feel that I could of done more.

If we have another expedition I want to be able to do more

work and spend more time. I really do want to help with things and be

proud of what I do. Hopefully during the next expedition, I ‘ll actually be

proud of my work.

I’ve learned so much form this cancer expedition and I hope that

one day all my questions about cancer will be answered. I could finally

say that I have an understanding on what people go through when they

are fighting this disease and I hope that whoever has cancer continues to

fight and not give up.

Nitisha's Expedition reflection

The Expedition Reflective Essay
By: Nitisha Fairley

Who am I? My name is Nitisha Fairley and I am an eleventh grade student of the BCS High School. Before there was an exhibition there was a process to get there. Everyone’s process had a different approach.
My experience with completing the BCS’s first expedition on cancer was fun, stressful, motivational and informative. My experience was fun because we all as the eleventh grade students were on our own during our class period in the class of Science with Tom. This gave us enough freedom in learning to manage our own time on how we would get the task at hand done by the due date which was given and discussed at the beginning of our first class during this unit on cancer. For some people this could have been both good or bad because some could have took this as a chance to play and get their work done in the last minute. Others took it as a chance to divide up their work within days so everything could get done and a stabled rate. This was a rather motivational and informative experience for me also. It motivated me to inform the Brooklyn community because you would be surprised how many people are naive to think that cancer is something that can’t happen to them when really in actuality it is inevitable and can happen to anyone. So therefore it motivated me to want to inform average people that, yes ut can happen to you. Lastly it was very informative even for me the informer because it was not just general information it was very specific on what happens within the body and cancer progresses.
This topic of cancer isn’t just in relations or having to do with science it has other connections. These connections reflection throughout this exhibition.

to be continued...

Armani Garcia Reflective Essay

During the expedition I had to work and understand what happen to get the understanding of cancer.The expedition feels different to me because I had to research the way and the functions of cancer. The way the work load went was so difficult because I never worked that hard on anything so the thought of what I got out of it was kind of crazy.The tactics that was used by the teachers was a great thought and it helped the knowledge of the expedition.
The topic I would focus on is the what type of food would contain cancer type cells or what may contain cancer.The main focuse I would focus on would try to contain what type of information I can get from ever one. If I was to continue the expedition i would try to get more information to my community about the cancer work that m school has been working on. The work that was produced I would try to prduce more questions with the relating fact of where was the first cancer patiniont found?
I would say this was a learing experince do to the fact of what I reasearched and learned from many different teachers.The reason being is that do to this expedition I learned many different causes and cases of cancer .The thing that amazed me in this expedition case is that there where many examples of how cancer affects your life and how it can be avoided.
To be continued.....

Kevin Chico reflection

Brooklyn Collabrative High School is a school in which the students and teachers collaborte with each other in small groups, in order to produce a meaningful and informative expedition. Many of us may know what cancer is along with its various effects. The entire eleventh grade at Brooklyn Collabrative High School has decided to farther investigate this deadly illness. Throughout this investigation we have all learned several different information and developed a mini informative cancer expedition.

We began our first investigations by having a meeting at our school’s’ music room. The middle school assistant principal , Wanda explained and described her son’s tragic experience with cancer. He had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer at birth. He had cancer located in his brain. When this was announced to us, I was shocked because I did not know that people can be born with cancer. I thought this was very sad because it shows that people are infected without even getting a chance to expierence lie. Although this is a rare sanario, it is not like it does not occur.

Our second in depth study for this expedition was a trip to the Department of Health Library and the New York City Pubic Library. This is where most of our information was gathered. We dd not learn much about cancer at the Department Of Health Library. We only learned how to search for books in a Library of Congress system. At the New York City Library we used the Library of Congress system to search for books pertaining to our assigned form of cancer. From the books that my partner Enijamarie and I looked through, we learned several things. We learned that there are four major forms of leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myehgenous leukemia, and chronic mylegoneous leukemia. Each form of leukemia has other forms of leukemia. Also each leukemia affects a certain age group. The form of leukemia is identified by an examination of the blood and marrow.

After completing this expedition, I feel better informed about cancer. I was finally able to discover what are some causes of cancer. In various scientific studies, it shows that cancer can be caused by alcohol, cigerette smoking, and even obesity. Although these things may cause cancer, cancer can still develope on its own. This occurs because cancer is a mutation that breaks the cycle of reproduction. Once this occurs, a tumor will begin to develop. The tumor will either be a benign or malignant. A benign tumor is a tumor that does not have a negative affect on the human body. A malignant tumor is when cells continue to reproduce at a rapid pace and beigns to develop a tumor which affects the human body and will eventually ceace the human life.

Expidition Reflection Essay

I think the expiditon made alot of people realize that we need to eat helathy in order to prevent cancer. You dont only need to eat helathy but you also need to exercise.We also learned how cancer cells look and how they gow and reproduce into bigger and abnormal cells. Cells reproduce from one cell to another and if one cell is infected the rest of the cells that were made from it will be infected as well.
The things that i learned about cancer are that there are three stages in a tumor. One of the stages is the less harmful stage of the tumor which can stay and be easily removed with surgery. The next stages are the next stage and this stage is more severe than the last but it could still get wose. In this stage the tumor is greater and can get bigger if not treated it can get very dangerous. The next stage is the last and the most severe stage of all. This satge has the biggest tumor and can quickly be spread througout the body if not treated. This stage is worse is because it can spread the quickest and will affect everything that it touches. Another that we learned was that even if you smoke the soone you stop will decrease your chances of gettin lung cancer.
If i was to cotinue my expiditoin i would like to learn more about all of the ways that we can prevent cancer, and i heard that you can still get cancer from eating healthy an excersising . I would like to know what else causes caner even though i thik its from too much rediation.
I think that it was an o.k. learnin exprerience because we heard from people who had cancer and we learned about what they went through. We also learned about things that can cause and pevent cancer.
I think that if we study and research alot more, and get more information than we can explain things alot better for the students next year and the year after that.

jonathan shelton

Jonathan Shelton
Dec 18,2007

Expedition Refkective Essay

Completing in the BCS’s expedition on cancer, the 11th grade has been doing this expedition for the past month now. Not knowing how the expedition of cancer was going to turn out to be, I had a negative out look on the topic. As we got more indepth with the topic I started to have more of and intrest in it. I studied this topic mainly in American history class. To me the biggest impact on the topic of cancer is how it attracts people’s attention when they have know clue of how easily you can get cancer.

Overrall the mini lessons of Tom that he taught my group 3S , we learned alot on cancer and the types of growth’s. We learned about the cell cycle and the different levels of cancer. Tom had us watch a film called “ Puttin the Breakes on Cancer “ , taking notes on the growth of different cancer types. Bengin is not a dangerous type of cancer.Maligant invades through the skin locally invasive.In American history class i wrote a report on Why tobacco was such a big important factor in Varginia in 1604?. The addiction of tobacco was a huge cause and little did they know they was causing themselves to have cancer.

This cancer expedition was a vaukeable learning experience for me , the teachers ,and the 11th graders.
Shahrod Drumond December 18, 2007
BCHS Kelley/Jared

In my opinion the experience wasn’t much. It semed like any other class or school project we ever had. I guess it was kind of cool but i think being that this was our first expedition we did a pretty good job. Overall i didn’t learn that much on cancer cells but I did learn about how cancer cell reproduce much faster than the normal cells which was quite fascenating. Also in language arts we learned about how Hiroshima created radioactive waves that later caused many poeple to aquire leukaemia.
I think some ideas that would be good to be able to continue this expedition is to do a fundraising that will raise money to continue the expedition and we can use the money to add more creativity into the expedition. Another idea is that we can do another fundraising but over the computer because that may attract more attention. We all know everybody is on the computer.
In Mr. Simon’s class the report I did on cancer turned out to be one of my most sucessful pieces. I found out that the assignment was very difficult and challenging. The reason it was most dificult because I was trying to explain cancer and tobacco and how they correspond with each other and that was very difficult to do.
As far as doing something else to improve the expedition is we could add more creativity and artwork. That would make it more appealing and attract attention and especially the youth.

Leetah McGee

Leetah McGee
December 18, 2007

Expedition Reflective Essay

Personally i feel that my experience with BCS’s first expedition was ok.I don't really like talking about cancer that much ever since i lost my abuela to it. The first cancer assembly we had made me cry by the things people said and commented on. Later on i got used to it because i realized it was helping me learn more about this fatal disease. When the school went on its first outdoor trip i missed it so i missed a lot f things going on in the cancer course, but to be honest its ok with me.

Overall i learned that cancer has its key importance in life. We learned about chemotherapy certain ways of getting it which i already knew about. Yet i didn't know about radiation treatments and how they work.In society ive come to realize that cancer is one of the leads of deaths in america.That to me sounds crazy because there's so many other dangerous diseases in the world that one that most people can prevent is the leading one. Unlike aids which people people get in various ways , cancer is a good cell gone bad and the things that u do like smoking speeds up the process while damaging your lungs. It affects personal lives by turning everyone's life around.Depending on the condition of the cancer people are limited to what they can do.If the persons condition is way worse then they eventually become bedriddin.


Mychala Samuel-Bradley

Expedition Reflective Essay

My experience completing BCS’s first expedition on cancer was very interesting. I learned so many things about cancer and people that have or experienced it. It ws a sad experience because listening to the stories from the people that had to deal with cancer and go through the trials and tribulations in order to deal with it.

Overall, I finally learned the difference between radiation and chemotherapy. I learned the names of cancers that I have never heard of. When we had the cancer expedition for our schedule that one day we learned about different types of cancer. The story that beth told us about ow exactly her cancer came about was one of the most touching stories I have ever heard in my life. It was so sad how she explained how her life was so normal before she found out and went to the hospital.

If I was to continue the expedition, the ideas that I would have and that I would like to pursue are for community service, I wood like to visit cancer hospitals and interview cancer patients, take down notes and try my hardest to help care for them. I would like to do a project on their lives and all of the things that had to go through with the pain and sufferings of cancer. It wouldn't be such a bad idea to do a fundraiser at the school and try to raise money to help the cancer patients, to make them feel loved by everyone and happy.

I liked the day of cancer classes we had a couple weeks ago, I got a lot of information and surprises that day. I also liked the class field trip to the library. What went well was how the partners/groups of kids collaborated together so well and collected all the information needed for the expedition project. What I found to be challenging , confusing and difficult was the way cancer is formed and the scientifically definitions and information of cancer. What I would improve about the experience for next year is the whole entire expedition only because I feel we could have done more to get more information. For example, the community service as a class idea I thought would have been a good idea.

I would describe the expedition as a valuable learning experience because it did teach me way more than i knew and all the things that I wanted to learn. The expedition was very helpful and valuable because I learned the things I probably wouldn’t even have took the time out to do myself.

As a grade and as a school I think that we could capture the experience for other grades to see by sharing our expedition with them and maybe teaching them everything that we’ve learned. We could create a legacy for our efforts by

Expedition Reflective Essay

Over the past month, we, the eleventh graders, have been studying the topic of cancer. Completing BCS’s first expedition on cancer wasn’t as hectic as I thought it would be. The school processed the same way it usually runs. At first, I didn’t want to participate in the study of cancer. It didn’t bring any interest to me. As I studied cancer, mainly in American History class, it brought more interest. I started to become aware of what the risks of cancer were. To me, the biggest influence of studying this topic are children and how they are influenced by their surroundings.

Despite not being enrolled in Living Environment this year, my group, 3S, taught by Tom, participated in several mini-lessons. The cell cycle was explained to us. We learned about the different levels of cancer severity. Ranging from benign to metastatic, benign is not dangerous. On the other hand, metastatic cancer invades blood cells, traveling to other parts of the body. In American History, I created an anti-smoking list for children. This can give children an outlook on cancer, and how to fight against it. As a matter of fact, this can go out to everyone.

I would describe this cancer expedition as a valuable learning experience because of the information recieved. As I stated before, I started to become aware of what the risks of cancer were. I learned that fruits and vegetables help reduce the risk of cancer. I also heard the stories of people who overcame cancer and people who are still living with it now. It brings a sense of sorrow when you know what they had/have to overcome.

As eleventh graders, or as a school in general, we could capture the experience for other grades to see by several effective ways. We could have created video recordings from the first day we started the expedition. We can share information through speech. We can create another expedition in which other grades can participate in. The images displayed in the cancer museum will attract younger children to the images. This will create more curiousity. To create a legacy for our efforts, our expedition can be used as an example to what a cancer expedition should look like. In the end, we are the role models.

Arber Nikq

majid reflection


Expedition Reflection

1.How was your experience completing BCS’s first expedition on cancer?
My experience on this cancer expedition was that I found it boring. What we did on this expediton was that we went to the library to read books on cancer and learn about it’s hisory, it’s effects on the human body,it’s cures,and it’s impact on society. We did this so we can know more information on cancer and can be able to inform people about it’s deadly effect.

2.Overall what did you learn in you different subjects about cancer’s role in science,medicine,histoy,society,and peoples personal lives?
In this cancer expedition what I learned about cancer was that it can happen to everyone it doesn’t matter if your young or old. You can even be born with it but it’s very rare for that to happen. Cancer is when some of your cells became confused about its command and starts multiplying in a extremely fast rate.Cancer are tumors that grow and trys to effect other parts of your body.There is no actual cure for cancer but there is a few treatments like radiation treatment witch the doctors uses a laser to try to strink or neutralize.Also another treatment is that you can get cancer surgecaly removed when your cancer is still small.

3.If you were to continue this expedition what ideas would you like to puruse for prodjects,essential questions, and/ or community service or fundraising ideas?
If I were to continue this expedition the ideas I would like to pursue for a prodject would be how does cancer effect animals or what can cause cancer and are their certain foods you can eat to stop cancer or lower the risk for it.

4.Would you describe this expedition as a valuable learning experience?why or why not?
I think this is a valuable learning experience because it helps give you info you might be able to use about cancer. For example know you know how cancer works and know the signs that tells you that you have cancer so you can get it removed before it becomes life threatening.

Ariel Jackson Expedition Reflection

In BCS we will be holding an expedition on cancer. For the past month the 11th graders and teachers have been researching on different cancer types. The reason for this is because BCS is community base school, which means that our objective is to educate our school and community about what we have learned. During this experience I’ve been on a mind controlling roller coaster. The reason for this is because cancer is a world wide illness which is capable of affecting almost anyone and everyone, and those who do have cancer have to treated with special medicine. However there’s no real cure for cancer. Cancer affects the body in many ways. It can cause rapid growth,slow growth, cell mutation,tumors,and overall health concerns.
Before our school came to the expedition part of the project, each class went on a class trip outside of the school. The point of our trips was to research the cancer type that we was assign to by of crew teachers. I had to focus on Leukemia, and leukemia is a cancer that affects the body early white blood cells. Leukemia is caused by a genetic mutation in the bone marrow and this leads to a abnormal white blood cell count. A normal white blood cell count range is 5,000 to 10,000. Those with leukemia white blood cell count range is 50,000 to 500,000. Normally white blood cells helps heal the body and it also helps maintain the body immune functions, which is healthy. However a person with leukemia have both healthy and unhealthy white blood cells, and the unhealthy cells can out number the healthy ones. At first this was confusing, because i did not know that there could be unhealthy white blood cells, being that they are there to create and maintain good health. Something that was challenging was trying to translate the information that I collected into something that both the young and older crowd can understand. Other than those two small set back everything else flowed for me.
This expedition will be very valuable, because from knowing what’s cancer, why does it happen to people, and how doe it affect people? can help us help others. From Brooklyn to Bronx , or America to China, the people of our community is facing cancer everyday. From young to old and from women to man cancer is a worldwide and unisex health concern for us all.
Jesse Gates

Our experience with our first expedition wasn’t completley up to par. There is a difference between knowing a topic well enough that you can have talk about with people and reading information off a piece of paper. Rather than relying on other peoples information, if we researched various subtopics of cancer ourselves the information would sink in better. I think we may have underestimated how much work this was going to be, and how long it would take for students to actually be able to talk in the “casual-conversation” tone rather than the “robotic-reading-off-of-paper” tone. But with just informing people, I think we did well.

There is no cure for cancer and it affects those who watch a loved one suffering as well as the ones suffering themselves. A person with cancer may feel like they only have so long to live, and anticipating it can also mess with ones head. Someone living with cancer may lose ambition and may even become depressed.

I think that as a group we covered a lot of topics branching off of Cancer. If we were to continue our research I think that we should individually be informed and properly too. If we have self-understanding in the topic of cancer rather than relying on other peoples work, work will be more fluent and possibly accurate.

What I found difficult with our expedition was that there were a lot of terms that someone would have to be familiar with while researching in order to fully understand what it was saying. When someone would come across something they do not understand, they may skip it and go on, but then brought up several more times within the chapter or may have been the main idea of the chapter. It makes the reader get frustrated, and just copy information directly out of the book.

I think that this was a valuable learning experience. It raises awareness - I had no idea cancer was so common. Though we may have not learned as much about cancer as we could have, we know a lot of the basics which are enough to scare us into being careful with the choices we make.

+Angel Batista+

The expedition on Cancer was completely boring. I learned a lot but nothing I’m really interested in. I think its because I never experienced cancer head-on that I’m not really into it. I’m not sure how I would react if a member of my family were diagnosed with cancer. I’d probably be worried for like a week until I did research that comforted me and gave me peace at mind. A lot of the time in class I was falling asleep waiting for the next class. I kept a lot of the information in mind cause I thought we would have a test or something. Fortunately we didn’t.
I learned that people experiences with their cancer range. Some can just see as another obstacle and completely dominate it and stride to acquire their goals even with cancer. Where as on the other hand someone can completely shut down and feel that his or her life is completely destroyed by the effects of cancer. I also learned the different treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy.
If we were to continue the expedition I would be annoyed. I’d do all the essays, projects, fundraisers or whatever they force me to do but I’ll be so pissed. I’d probably walk around school with an attitude towards the teachers.
The one and only part of trip I liked was the thrift store that we went to. I found this really cool hat from Moscow that I liked. I really want to get it. I’m not sure why we went to the thrift store though. I’m pretty you can get cancer from buying a cheap coat. Unless the store donates to cancer patients it was a complete waste of time. After that we went to a library and spent most of the time looking for a book that had what we wanted. We ended up with only two books. It sucked cause it had variations of the cancer we wanted but not exactly it. Next year I would suggest just using the Internet for our research instead of going to libraries and thrift stores. I’m sure it’ll be way more helpful.
The expedition was a valuable learning experience in opinion. I acquired a lot of information concerning cancer and how it occurs in our systems. I think its valuable cause I can use this information in college for a health essay or something. At this moment in time it is not valuable cause I have no use for it but in the long I could definitely use this knowledge.

Expedition Reflective Essay;Elyse!!

Elyse mcmillan 12-18-07

Reflective essay

My experience completing my school’s (BCS) first expedition has been life changing.It gave me a different insight of the death threatening disease “cancer”.I now have an even more greater sympathy and respect for people who have experienced cancer in their family’s or personally.It makes me feel that i have the upper hand.I have knowledge about things that alot of people don't know.I can now can use this knowledge to either educate others or help find a cure.I could now give a helping hand .Overall i learned alot of amazing things.I learned that of course,cancer has a very very important place in science.For years people have been trying to cure cancer,and without the knowledge of science they wouldn’t know where to start.The history of cancer is also important simply because it helps us figure out how cancer came about.Without the past history of cancer scientist wouldnt have been able to help take care of cancer,when found earlier.I learned that alot of teachers in BCS have experienced the scare of having cancer.

If we were to continue this expedition,it would be fun if we would kind of do intern ships ,but with people with cancer.We could go out and kind of team up with people with any time of cancer, i could be a friend,family member, a person a teacher knows,or even a teacher.While we are on this “expedition” we could see what an average persone with cancer woud have to go through first hand:thier doctors appointments,thier medication methods,the sorrow or the happiness.Imagine the things we could take from a project like that!. From that i bet a lot of other ideas and activities will emerge.I would describe this expedition as the best learning experience i ever had. Before this expedition had started i had surgery to remove a benign tumor from my breast.When i was informed about this i was like, “what the heck is benign?”.But now i know .While hearing the teachers point view on cancer ,i realized that most of the things that they were saying i could relate to,such: as the waiting and the crying, and also the scarring.I knew what a biopsy was right when it was said and that scared me alot because as a 17 year old i could relate to older individuals and that made me really sad.But as i learned more i realized that theres nothing to be ashamed of,or to feel bad about.When someone would ask me why was i gone i would simply say”I was sick”.Now im confident enough to tell the truth and not be on the verge of crying.I also learned that some benign tumors aren't harmful!, that was a relief.I also know that that i have to start changing the way i eat and exercises.

As a grade since we got the advantage of experiencing this first.We have alot of knowledge and we need to start sharing this.We could start by giving the other grades an expedition also.We have alot more to give them ,than what was given to us.We have different point of views to give others.And from that we have alot more to learn,with alot more people to learn with.

Sharan's Expedition Reflection

   The expedition was something motivating to work on since it was based on giving awareness, breaking the broad subject of cancer to our community. Usually we do projects for subjects directed for an audience of one individual to inform them, but for this expedition we couldn't be so opinionated or take the subject such as cancer lightly since it concerns reflections on some survivors there or people that are experts on the material.In science Tom delivered the essential scientific description of cancer bringing up new terms such as a benign tumor, malignant and metastatic. Also the common organelles that are apart of this conversion in the body like DNA,chromosomes, and enzymes. Im ELA we discovered the history of how cancer was introduced in the bombing of Japan by the explosion radiation effect of the bomb.In Math we graphed he rapid growth of cancer cells of 18 hours compared to the cycle of regular growth of our body parts such as the muscle taking 22 days to grow.
      I learned not all tumors are harmful. Even a birthmark is a tumor which I never knew. I also learned that the human body is unpredictable with it's reoccurring cycle of producing cells . I learned about Lymphoma, I never knew another cancer other then lung,colon, and leukemia. Like many of my mother's friends death I was never explained of the causes of these life threatening disease.I only knew about the cigarettes and the fattening food that cause cancer but never mutation or just abnormal acts inside the body, which honestly scared the crap out of me. Like i don't understand how a helpful thing such as the creating of cells can intrude into the survival of your body.  
      Another project I would be eager to take part of is the production of enzymes and how they can work efficiently against you and for you during phases of such involvement of harmful procedures that can harm your body. I would also like to tackle the prevention of lung cancer and try to help smokers to quick and show the gruesome effects that they are doing to their body because it's one thing that you make your death bed and another if your not even aware.I also want to go more into treatments and which are the best for each certain type of cancer. Also i would like to do a fundraiser for poor families that need money for the treatments for there kids or loved ones to get them treatment, we can make little flea markets and sell the things we don't want anymore and even collect donations and give it to organizations that help these families.
     What was challenging was looking at the graphic pictures and interpretting all those medical terms to familiarize yourself with all the cancer types and symptoms and  treatments. Especially the long research process of finding out the specific stages of a tumor growth when the lowest type of explanation was like in a college level which i still needed a dictionary at hand to read.
   What went well was the project because we were to decide in what form we wanted to present it and also the readings as well were interesting to read, it wasn't hard for me to get intrigued into the reading at all. It was a great experience to learn on a topic that effects you and everyone around you at any given time in our lives. What was confusing was taking all those lectures in without having any prior knowledge to begin with to interpret what these speakers where saying also the fact that e were given a project deadline of a week or two was fustrating since we all wanted to give it our all but with such short time we just had to wrap something else real quick for the exhibition. Nest year you should give the 11th graders like a good month to make big projects for the exhibition so the community can see our full potential. 
      I would describe it as valuable experience because cancer effects us all and most of us will go into the medical field so it helps us with that too and clears our mentality of just focusing on ourselves to those around us.
      I would change the way of life for myself and my loved ones so we won't have to even come close to that predicament of having cancer because it can either result as a good inspiration or just crush the hearts of the people effected. Ultimately i would talk precautions of the things i put into my body and what comes out verbally to those effected. I would talk about this in a educated way instead of a clueless way or just staying shut. Now I can speak of it with background info. 

Expedition Reflection Essay for ELA -Jissette

My experience in completing BCS's first expedition on cancer is a good one. I learned a lot about difference cancers and what they do to your body. Before this I don't think I had any specific knowledge about cancer, only that it grew as a tumor and that it could be lethal. I learned a lot about cancer in my other subjects besides science. I also learned about the different types of cancers that the people from Hiroshima contracted and Japan in general. We read about personal experiences with cancer, and even had different people who has battled cancer come talk to us. There were some types of cancers that I haven't even heard of.
If i were to continue this expedition, I would probably want to see a virtual display of what actually happens in your body when you get cancer, or help fundraise for cancer victims. I would want to help find a cure for cancer and talk to more people about how it affected their lives an their family. I'd like to get to understand their feelings and help them through it.
When we went on the trip to the Department of Health Library, honestly, I thought that it was a waste of time because we didn't research, we only tried to find books in a coded system. But when we went to the Manhattan Public Library, I got a lot of research done from the book "Cancer Sourcebook". It explained a lot about the different types of cancer, and I focused myself with Non-Hodgkin's cancer. Next year, I'd like to learn about a different type of cancer, maybe breast cancer or an OB/GYN cancer.
This expedition was definitely a good learning experience for us because we learned about different causes and found how they occur in the body.
I think with this expedition we will really impress the community with how much dedication we put into researching this topic. I think that the younger grades will be impressed as well with the different types of displays, and the amount of work that we put into making this expedition.


I just finished my project & I am happy how the outcome turned out. I made it as creative as possible so it wouldn't come out so bland. It turned out to be really liked by Tom. All i need to do now is darken the word that i wrote yellow(how smart) to a more visible color that people can read far away and I'm going to try to shoot for the 90 turning in a little piece or a visual for Lymphoma or if it's too late i can make arrows with Kira or ask Tom was is left to be done for the exhibition. I also have to turn in one more reflection for the complete 3.  

Monday, December 17, 2007

Sarita's Reflection

I had a lot of fun making my model because I got to play with clay (lol).But other than that,my project came out better than what I expected it to be.I think that maybe I could add a little more info so that people can understand what I am doing, instead of just explaining chromosomes and what is in them. But at the moment I'm not really sure what to add,because my display is really small.

The process that I went through wasn't bad at all,the only thing I did was follow a diagram that Tom had drew in my science notebook that I had to study for my verbal exam.

The only thing I need to do is maybe add some more things like I said before,such as info. But then I guess whoever else is doing this topic as well will explain everything,just as long as my is related to theirs.

I learned a lot about my topic since I began studying this topic that I didn't even begin with.My original topic was Sarcoma.So since I was assigned to this I went along with it because I had no choice (hehe), and plus it was fun to make when I was making my clay model.
From this topic I learned that there are DNA-Genes in a Chromosome which I never knew about, although I did know that there were Chromosomes within a cell.

Teresa's Reflection

Reflection on science class: 12/14/07

Today went well for me. I got alot of work done for the museum. Me and the other people in the mutations group worked on a model of how cells mutate and how cells can become mutated. I also contributed a large concept map showing the definition of mutation and how it occurs. Thanks to the fact that we had a double period of living environment today, I was able to really concentrate on my work and make sure everything was as perfect as possible.

I suppose my concept map could use some improvement. Maybe I could have put up some pictures to show examples of mutation, or used more color. As for the model of mutation, I really don't see any major flaw. I think it's good the way it is. It describes the process of mutation perfectly using creative visualization.

Throughout the process, I learned alot about cells that I did not know before. I didn't know that mutations had different types, or that high temperatures can contribute to mutation in cells.

Sharan's reflection

Gut Reflection
     Right now I'm planning to display each process of the progression of a tumor to being malignant and active to disrupt the organs and tissues of survival.So far i will display it for a 3rd graders eyes to get intrigued. I plan on splitting the stages to life threatening to just an abnormal process that occurs.I want to make it as creative and colorful as possible so the kids can focus there time reading the whole project instead of just glancing at it for 5 minutes and leaving to the next display. Through these days of getting it done i've noticed that to get things don you can't only spent time at home doing it but after school as well in order to be supplied well and have the right information to not mislead the viewer. I think that the oral test and the after the note taking was very good to do for us because it makes you read the stuff you just learned into your own words that will later on help you explain to your audience with no complications of not knowing the meaning of a word or the correct whole specific concept it should be directed by. I want to make it pop out the space as well. Like i might do some pop out leading words or arrows of the steps. It's gonna take me all night tonight and all dat tomorrow for the double period and after school in order for it to look "Hawt".  I  want to get this done with by Friday afternoon so i can get accomplished with a lymphoma display by tuesday. I also have to jot down everyones space dimensions of their projects to hand to you by Friday so you can have a clear outline of the space needed for this exhibition. For the lymphoma little project i want to focus on skin cancer and the damages it does to your appearance so people can get a visual of what people see then what x-rays see. I won't have gruesome pictures but i think the 3rd graders can handle it because they have seen it all already at this point. 
  Tonight I'm going to have to buckle down and cut my daily bubble bath short in order for me to get this at least almost done by tonight because i don' want to be in crunch timing tomorrow trying to get it done by 6 or something and I'm also not planning to stay after school on a friday when thats the beginning of my weekend adventure! I am planning to do it as well in crew class because Kelley gives us time to catch up on work in our crew class which is why she rocks. But thats just 30 minutes so a lot of my time to finish up will have to be at home. I cannot be concentrated t home as well because there are so many temptations in my house to get me off course, including the fact that when I get home I'm like "OD" tired to even do homework with all the work i already did in school . But i'll just look forward to that 90 or 80 that i can get if i just stretch my little comfort level of excluding the wants for the needs at the time and just pull through. 
  For the lymphoma I'm going to look up the book i had in the Manhattan Library because they're book had pictures for little kids to visualize the effects on the skin and it ill be the most safest because i don't want a screaming parent coming after me talking about how they're kid had a nightmare of some guesume visualization and I'm gonna just have to scream back "that's life!". I hope i get a 90 because my mother said she'll treat me if i get a higher math, science and ela grade (yeah a lot of expectations for a treat). Also who doesn't want to feel proud of themselves?

Nathan's Reflection

Enjamarie's Reflection

Reflection on Cancer Project 3 -Jissette

Living Environment
Jissette Maldonado

I finished my project! It looks great. I've tried to make it look as nice as possible, and I really enjoyed making it. I didn't think I would have enough time to finish it, but I did which is awesome! I can't wait to put it up, and to see everyone else's project as well. I really learned a lot about mutations in the cell relating to cancer, and how they reproduce a whole lot faster than regular cells. I also learned a lot about what a mutation is and how it's caused such as ultraviolet rays, chemical mutagens, and etc.
Here's a picture of my project:

Reflection on Cancer Project 2 -Jissette

Living Environment
Jissette Maldonado

My project is going well, though I'm was kind of worried that I wasn't going to be able to finish it on time because it seemed as if it
would have been a huge project. Luckily it wasn't and I'm working very hard towards finishing it, and making sure that it is easily readable by little kids as well as the high school.
I've been learning a lot about what a mutation is and I've concentrated on UV rays to show my display. I have drawings and captions to go with the drawings, and they explain how your cells mutate when it is exposed to high UV rays, which can eventually give you skin cancer. I've tried to make it look as colorful and appealing to the eye as I can, and I hope everyone likes it.

Reflection 1 Kenya

Kenya Byas



My reflection is based the introduction to the Cancer expedition that the school did. That day we basically jumped right into the speeches given on staff member and guests who have had some type relation to cancer. So we sat in a big room that obviously was sentimental to one of the speakers and listen to a couple of others talk about their encounters with cancer. Then after that groups were formed and students accompanied by a teacher sat through explanations of what cancer is and what can form it. The whole introduction to cancer expedition took place in school classes went around and listen to what people had to say. It wasn’t really big but it did open a lot of kids eyes to cancer and really answered a lot of left opened questions that kids might have had about cancer.

Me personally I learned a lot. I learned a lot about teachers in the school and it has brought more of a soft spot in my heart for the teachers just based on saying that I understand. I learned about the different mutations that can exist in your body. And these mutations are not necessarily a bad thing. It can vary in all shapes, forms, and sizes. The second most interesting mutation to me would have to a tumor. When people hear tumor they automatically thing the worst, in reality a tumor take on 2 traits “good” or “bad”. A good tumor usually does not affect anything but the physical features of the body and people can live with these tumors without a problem. The bad tumors usually can be a form of cancer and these tumors usually affect your everyday life.

I don’t quiet have any questions that where left up in the air about this topic because during the expedition I asked a lot of the questions. So I’m pretty set and don’t really need much more explanation. Plains besides usually turning to technology I would pretty much go to any of the speakers from that day. Especially since they have been through it and can relate to what I’m asking of them. If they still haven’t completely and thoroughly answered my question then maybe the computer would be a good suggestion. When I receive info basically I would share what I know to peers to make them more aware. Friends tend to listen more when they are being told something from someone of the same age group or close to it. I pretty set thinking on this topic.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Reflection on Japan by Danny

During my studies in ela I learend about the atomic bomb.The atomic bomb was droped by the u.s because japan thought we would over come them or take over them.They did not belive in surrender they rather go down and die.The Japan sarted this issue frist they bombed us frist so we had to take matters to our hands. August 6,1945 was the bomb day.No one knew this was going to happen it got everyone by suprize.Everyone was having a normal day probley geting ready to go to work or kids geting ready for school.I know it wasnt a plesent way to handle this because many good people died.The bomb had let off 60millon degrees 10 times hotter than the sun.The bomb was so strong it evaporated less than a second.The explosion destroyed everything that got in its way.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Living Environment
Jissette Maldonado

Last week we went to the Department of Health Library and the NYC
Public Library to research about the topic that we were assigned to.
Mine was Lymphoma and Chemotherapy. I learned a lot about my topic
like where on the body it happens, the symptoms, treatments, and how
it affects different ages.
One of my research questions are still unanswered and I'm
probably going to look online for the answer. Hopefully we get to talk
to our partners about our topics and see what answers we can conclude
for our questions.
I think that this expedition is a good way to find out about
cancer because many people don't know about it, and many people
including me, have many questions about it. Although, I am a bit
concerned that people might start to get paranoid about cancer though.
I've already heard people saying, "Oh my God! I'm gonna get cancer!"
But either way, I think it's good that we're studying this to learn
more about the disease.
