Tuesday, December 18, 2007

jonathan shelton

Jonathan Shelton
Dec 18,2007

Expedition Refkective Essay

Completing in the BCS’s expedition on cancer, the 11th grade has been doing this expedition for the past month now. Not knowing how the expedition of cancer was going to turn out to be, I had a negative out look on the topic. As we got more indepth with the topic I started to have more of and intrest in it. I studied this topic mainly in American history class. To me the biggest impact on the topic of cancer is how it attracts people’s attention when they have know clue of how easily you can get cancer.

Overrall the mini lessons of Tom that he taught my group 3S , we learned alot on cancer and the types of growth’s. We learned about the cell cycle and the different levels of cancer. Tom had us watch a film called “ Puttin the Breakes on Cancer “ , taking notes on the growth of different cancer types. Bengin is not a dangerous type of cancer.Maligant invades through the skin locally invasive.In American history class i wrote a report on Why tobacco was such a big important factor in Varginia in 1604?. The addiction of tobacco was a huge cause and little did they know they was causing themselves to have cancer.

This cancer expedition was a vaukeable learning experience for me , the teachers ,and the 11th graders.

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