Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Leetah McGee

Leetah McGee
December 18, 2007

Expedition Reflective Essay

Personally i feel that my experience with BCS’s first expedition was ok.I don't really like talking about cancer that much ever since i lost my abuela to it. The first cancer assembly we had made me cry by the things people said and commented on. Later on i got used to it because i realized it was helping me learn more about this fatal disease. When the school went on its first outdoor trip i missed it so i missed a lot f things going on in the cancer course, but to be honest its ok with me.

Overall i learned that cancer has its key importance in life. We learned about chemotherapy certain ways of getting it which i already knew about. Yet i didn't know about radiation treatments and how they work.In society ive come to realize that cancer is one of the leads of deaths in america.That to me sounds crazy because there's so many other dangerous diseases in the world that one that most people can prevent is the leading one. Unlike aids which people people get in various ways , cancer is a good cell gone bad and the things that u do like smoking speeds up the process while damaging your lungs. It affects personal lives by turning everyone's life around.Depending on the condition of the cancer people are limited to what they can do.If the persons condition is way worse then they eventually become bedriddin.

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