Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nitisha's Expedition reflection

The Expedition Reflective Essay
By: Nitisha Fairley

Who am I? My name is Nitisha Fairley and I am an eleventh grade student of the BCS High School. Before there was an exhibition there was a process to get there. Everyone’s process had a different approach.
My experience with completing the BCS’s first expedition on cancer was fun, stressful, motivational and informative. My experience was fun because we all as the eleventh grade students were on our own during our class period in the class of Science with Tom. This gave us enough freedom in learning to manage our own time on how we would get the task at hand done by the due date which was given and discussed at the beginning of our first class during this unit on cancer. For some people this could have been both good or bad because some could have took this as a chance to play and get their work done in the last minute. Others took it as a chance to divide up their work within days so everything could get done and a stabled rate. This was a rather motivational and informative experience for me also. It motivated me to inform the Brooklyn community because you would be surprised how many people are naive to think that cancer is something that can’t happen to them when really in actuality it is inevitable and can happen to anyone. So therefore it motivated me to want to inform average people that, yes ut can happen to you. Lastly it was very informative even for me the informer because it was not just general information it was very specific on what happens within the body and cancer progresses.
This topic of cancer isn’t just in relations or having to do with science it has other connections. These connections reflection throughout this exhibition.

to be continued...

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