Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Enijamarie Hemmings 12/18/07 Expedition Reflective essay I am an eleventh grader at Brooklyn collabrative studies we do alot of work together

because this school is based on working collabratively, during the last months of november

and december we did an expedition on cancer. We studied cancer through our classes like

for instance in math we learned how cells multiply, in ELA we learned about cancer after the

bombing in hiroshima.We also had a seminar with teachers, a representative from american

cancer society,and a nurse from Long island colledge hospital (LICH) that talked about there

experiences with cancers.
My experience with completing the BCS cancer expedition was good because
I got to learn alot of things about cancer that I did not know, like for instance about

benign and malignant tumors.Benign tumors are tumors that arent cancerous and malignant

tumors are the opposite.I also learned in ELA that leukemia is caused by lukemia, the

bomb that was dropped on hiroshima caused alot of radiation so alot of people that

survived eventually got lukemia. If I were to do a fundraising idea I would do a bake sale but instead of

baked goods I would have non cancerous foods.The thing that was very challenging during

the cancer expedition was how the cells became cancerous and also knowing what type of t

things caused cancers.I would saynthat this expedition was a valuable experience because

I learned alot and it helped me to be aware of cancer and also more importantly I know

what to do to avoid cance.

I think my grade shold have a bullentin board up to show all of what we learned

and what we did in our cancer expedition, this would create a legacy for our efforts becase

every time some one would pass by our hall they will see what we did for our first


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