Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Kevin Chico reflection

Brooklyn Collabrative High School is a school in which the students and teachers collaborte with each other in small groups, in order to produce a meaningful and informative expedition. Many of us may know what cancer is along with its various effects. The entire eleventh grade at Brooklyn Collabrative High School has decided to farther investigate this deadly illness. Throughout this investigation we have all learned several different information and developed a mini informative cancer expedition.

We began our first investigations by having a meeting at our school’s’ music room. The middle school assistant principal , Wanda explained and described her son’s tragic experience with cancer. He had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer at birth. He had cancer located in his brain. When this was announced to us, I was shocked because I did not know that people can be born with cancer. I thought this was very sad because it shows that people are infected without even getting a chance to expierence lie. Although this is a rare sanario, it is not like it does not occur.

Our second in depth study for this expedition was a trip to the Department of Health Library and the New York City Pubic Library. This is where most of our information was gathered. We dd not learn much about cancer at the Department Of Health Library. We only learned how to search for books in a Library of Congress system. At the New York City Library we used the Library of Congress system to search for books pertaining to our assigned form of cancer. From the books that my partner Enijamarie and I looked through, we learned several things. We learned that there are four major forms of leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myehgenous leukemia, and chronic mylegoneous leukemia. Each form of leukemia has other forms of leukemia. Also each leukemia affects a certain age group. The form of leukemia is identified by an examination of the blood and marrow.

After completing this expedition, I feel better informed about cancer. I was finally able to discover what are some causes of cancer. In various scientific studies, it shows that cancer can be caused by alcohol, cigerette smoking, and even obesity. Although these things may cause cancer, cancer can still develope on its own. This occurs because cancer is a mutation that breaks the cycle of reproduction. Once this occurs, a tumor will begin to develop. The tumor will either be a benign or malignant. A benign tumor is a tumor that does not have a negative affect on the human body. A malignant tumor is when cells continue to reproduce at a rapid pace and beigns to develop a tumor which affects the human body and will eventually ceace the human life.

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